CVNE Selección de Parcelas Garnacha 2021 


Introduce this Spanish Garnacha to the table to ignite excitement! Showcasing the best of what the variety has to offer, it captivates from the get-go with its packaging. Aromatically enticing with notes of cranberry, violet, and spice box, it awakened my senses even further when paired with a plate of lamb loins, roasted potatoes, coleslaw, buttered snow peas with macadamia, and sriracha sauce. The wine’s smooth and sweet red-fruited textures delight the palate, particularly with its long and balsamic finish. The oiliness of the lamb complements the wine’s gentle acidity, providing a smooth finish with a fruity edge. With gentle tannins, a plush mid-palate, and rounded flavours, this Garnacha will satisfy even the most discerning palates. Versatile with or without food, this wine embodies a fresh, vibrant, and modern expression of Rioja, promising a delightful experience for your taste buds.

Variety: Other, Specialty
Categories: Drinks, Imported Wines