Brand & Sons ‘Last Sunday Drive’ Cabernet Franc 2019


We are back in ‘every wine gets a name’ territory. At least this time the wines have a story. The Brand family is one of the most famous and respected in Australian wine. Brand and Sons is the latest incarnation (this is Brand and Sons winemakers, not the plumbers or funeral directors – apparently a popular business name). The family’s involvement in Australian wine dates back into the 1850s. Current custodian, Sam Brand, is fourth generation. I remember meeting Eric Brand several times, an absolute gentleman (I specifically remember one day in a park near a local restaurant in Coonawarra, a bunch of somms, after some lengthy tasting sessions, were happily informing the world of their extensive wine knowledge. Sitting on a nearby bench was an older gent with a smile – Eric Brand. I remember thinking that he’d forgotten more about wine than all those somms, who clearly had no idea that they were in the presence of winemaking greatness, were likely to learn in a lifetime). Eric married into the Redman family. I knew Eric’s son, Jim, quite well years ago. An exceptional talent himself and sadly no longer with us, taken far too young. Sam is Jim’s son and winemaking talent has not fallen far from the tree. But I digress. This is a fine example of Cabernet Franc. It offers a gentle leafy note, in keeping with varietal expectations. Blackfruits and blueberries. Plenty of grippy tannins and juicy acidity. The wine has good length. This is still very young. Expect good things over the next four to eight years. A fine example of cabernet franc, for those interested. 
