Dormilona Cupid Chenin 2023


Currently living out its brat era—this wine’s dirty. Dirty in the kind of way that leaves you grinning sporadically the next day. Concrete, ground quartz, grapefruit juice, lime custard, and… the colour grey (somehow, it tastes grey, but… sexy grey). Winemaker and sustainability captain Jo Perry originally planned to blend this parcel into the annual Dormilona range. But after tasting this singular fraction, she decided to bottle it on its own, naming it Cupid—the Roman god of love, eroticism, and desire. Fitting. The use of skins and amphora builds rustic, chewy texture, and the typical acid you’d expect from the grape variety whacks you in the end, cleaning up the finish and leaving you wanting more. Flat lemonade, green mango, and beeswax. Another example of why the spotlight should be on WA Chenin Blanc.

Variety: Other, Specialty