Henschke Hill of Grace 2016


Deep garnet. A quiet start – builds slowly – black plum, preserved fig, blackberry, briar, earth, leather, cola.

Classic seamless and deep concentration of fruit on the palate – quite subtle, not forward in the least – it’s dark and intriguing and harmonious. Tannins are fine and savoury, tight and long. Oak is a picture of integration. The fruit is intense, exploring added notes of aniseed, bitter chocolate and more on the palate.

This is a wine that urges you to think about IT, it’s not going to deliver everything on a plate to you immediately. You are required to put something into the process, too! It remains tight-lipped, structured and firm  . . . just for the present. Like the Mount Edelstone, Hill of Grace is assured of a long life.

Variety: Other, Specialty